The importance of intercultural training is constantly increasing. The quality management of training measures requires, not least because of the investments made, to ensure their effectiveness operationally and systematically. In practice, there are three systematic basic steps (see also Rowold, p.
1. What are the criteria according to which trainers are selected?
2. How is the efficiency of intercultural training ensured?
3. How is the result evaluated?
ad 1. Selection of coaches
Clear definition of benefits and goals of the training measures (target state or “what should be different after the training measure and how can I recognize this?”)
Definition of selection and evaluation criteria of trainers
Submission of appropriate neutral proof of training, quality and competencies of the trainers (for example certification according to ISO 17024) as well as personal clarification, which trainers can best support the training goals
ad 2. Implementation and efficiency of intercultural training
Preliminary talk: Goals and expectations for intercultural training are to be explored and coordinated between the client and the trainers. Completion through training assignment (objectives, target group, content, scope)
Didactic Implementation: Integrated methods for the sustainable communication of intercultural sensitivity, cultural and general knowledge, reduction of ethnocentric and prejudiced attitudes as well as support for the ability to manage stress and building realistic expectations as well as intercultural competence
ad 3. Evaluation of intercultural training (target / actual comparison):
The biggest challenge is that needs are often not noticed once they are satisfied. As a result, the success becomes “invisible” and must first be brought explicitly back in front of the curtain.
Evaluations must therefore fulfill the following functions:
Legitimization and enforcement function (positive return on investment)
Decision and optimization function (continuation or improvement of the training design)
Application of a training evaluation, such as the level-oriented model according to D.L. Kirkpatrick (see also Rowold, page 211 ff and Kirkpatrick model):
“Learning”: test or examination of what has been learned (cognitive level)
“Reaction”: Did it please; how is the training accepted – so the “classic” feedback arc (affective level)
“Behavior”: Application in the handling of foreign cultural influenced persons (behavior-oriented level).
“Results”: (online) questionnaire, interviews, etc. after 6-12 months (especially to note: results and causal relationships are difficult to detect due to the complexity of influencing factors)
Recommended reading:
Kinast, E.U .: “Evaluation of Intercultural Training”, Pabst Science Publications, 2010
Rowold, Jens: “Human Resource Management”, Springer-Gabler, 2nd edition 2015
Author: SIETAR Austria member
Mag. Konrad Noé-Nordberg
Intercultural trainer, certified coach, business consultant and lecturer. Focus of work Organization and personnel development, leadership and sales. Over 30 years of international experience.
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