Events 2020

Zukünftige Events

“Identità culturale e violenza”

Date: Thursday, March 12, 2020|18:00 -19:30

Franco Fabbro

Session Description: Oggi parlare di identità culturale significa addentrarsi in una zona di pericolo, perché in suo nome si sono perpetrati crimini che sfidano l’idea stessa di umanità, e nel suo cono d’ombra ancora si annidano le pulsioni più aggressive. Ma l’ambivalenza dei processi identitari, in cui spesso vanno a incagliarsi i tentativi di riflessione sul tema, per Franco Fabbro non ostacola la comprensione, anzi ne è il presupposto. E, se indagata con strumenti conoscitivi adeguati, che integrano le osservazioni paleoantropologiche e le analisi storico-religiose, può suggerire strategie di disinnesco dei potenziali dannosi.

Session Summary:

La propostaneuropedagogica di Fabbro è di esporre precocemente i bambini a quella pluralità di religioni e di lingueche, secondo ricerche ormai consolidate, favorirebbe una più efficace regolazione del comportamento e una maggiore autoconsapevolezza. Proprio là dove adesso c’è pericolo crescerebbe «ciò che salva».

Speaker: Franco Fabbro già professore ordinario di Fisiologia umana e di Neuropsichiatria infantile, attualmente è docente di Psicologia clinica e Direttore del Master di Meditazione e Neuroscienze presso l’Università di Udine. Ha pubblicato più di 200 lavori scientifici su riviste internazionali e più di 20 libri. Le sue pubblicazioni riguardano la neurolinguistica del bilinguismo, la neuropsicologia dell’esperienza religiosa e i rapporti tra filosofia e neuroscienze. Tra le sue pubblicazioni: The Neurolinguistics of Bilingualism (Psychology Press, Hove 1999); La neuropsicologia dell’esperienze religiosa (Astrolabio, Roma, 2010); Le neuroscienze dalla fisiologia alla clinica (Carocci, Roma, 2016); La meditazione mindfulness. Neuroscienze, filosofia e spiritualità (Il Mulino, Bologna, 2019).

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Date:Thursday, March 12, 2020|18:00 -19:30
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Location: FH Kärnten, Villach Campus | Europastraße Room:
Hörsaal 6

Limited participant number!

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Vergangene Events


“The brilliant and the bizarre: mapping culture and language in the brain”

Date: Thursday, January 30, 2020 / 18:00 – 20:00

with Eithne Knappitsch and Karin Martin

Limited participant number!

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Thursday, January 30, 2020 / 17:00 – 20:00
WU Wien


Storytelling for intercultural trainers & coaches

Date: Thursday, January 30, 2020 / 9:00 – 17:00

Joanna Sell

Session Description:  The workshop is built on the principle of the learning journey in which you are invited to get to know the narrative approach and the neuroscience of story sharing. You are going to share, design and co-create stories that enhance mutual understanding among people from different cultures and try out numerous storytelling activities, which you can apply in your intercultural trainings and coachings. Working with stories is very powerful and you will experience how to facilitate programs and exchange with other participants best practices. 

Session Objectives:

Learning how to inspire your participants to share stories that bridge cultures, initiate change & lead to a deeper reflection on leadership skills across cultures and enhancing global teamwork

Getting to know storytelling activities, which enable the participants of your intercultural programs to describe their work related experiences across cultures, their struggles and their success stories in intercultural situations.

Story sharing activities for the introduction: Back-story, Intercultural Compass Tool

Storytelling activities for change processes: Hero’s Journey, Intercultural Compass Tool, interactive storytelling, open-end stories, story cubes

Working with stories in narrative intercultural coaching: visual storytelling, re-authoring, future story

Storytelling for evaluation: six words stories, evaluation with the most significant moment

Speaker: Joanna Sell, intercultural narrative coach, trainer and facilitator, founder of Intercultural Compass, consultancy specializing in virtual, multicultural teamwork, global leadership and storytelling in the intercultural working environments, co-founder of the Beyond Storytelling, co-organizer of SIETAR Europa Conferences in Valencia and Dublin, member of Virtual Team at SIETAR Europa, art lover & author, co-author of books and articles on storytelling in the intercultural field.

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Date: Thursday, January 30, 2020 / 9:00 – 17:00
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Location: WU Wien
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Program Fee:
175 + VAT

Limited participant number!

Please register your attendance with or


“Playful Learning: Exchange of IC Tools”

Date: ThursdayJanuary 9th, 2020 / 17:30 – 20:30

Session Description:  The use of games in intercultural learning has shown to be very effective. Games succeed because we remember more what we experience and learn through play. The socializing aspect and the challenge contribute to the positive experience. Real-life, sometimes serious problems can be explored in a playful way.

Session Objectives:

  • Presentation and playing of games used in IC training
  • Gain insight into what it is like to learn interculturally while having fun
  • Why are games are effective? Exchange of experiences using games in IC training
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Date: Thursday, January 9th, 2020 / 17:30 – 20:30
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Location: WU Wien